Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Come, Lord Jesus, come soon!

The one thing I hoped never happen did.

One of my close friends here just found out tonight that his father passed away. I found out through Facebook. I was just staring at the computer screen, when Krista came in wondering if I had read his status. We walked down to the other girls' rooms and all sat down in shock. We prayed for him and went our separate ways. While I was praying, I couldn't help but to fight back tears. "This could happen to me." I thought.

It's inevitable. We're all going to die. Not to sound morbid, but it's true. We're not meant to last least not on this earth. At first, I had a ton of questions running through my head. Why him? Why now?

My heart aches for my friend. I can only imagine what him and his family are going through. While I have never lost anyone close to me, I've known people through the years, losing one parent or even both. I can only cry and pray to God that He will comfort them in this time of need. I am always a problem solver, so I want to do something.

I'm sharing this with you to say this: Don't take for granted the things you have. I don't care if it's family or a hot meal on the table. We aren't promised tomorrow. So live each day like it's your last. Love the ones that are in your life no matter how rude or annoying they are. They're there for a reason.

There are things in my life that I regret. The way that I've treated people mostly. I can never take back the things that I've said or done. I don't want to constantly be living with regret though. I want to live in the moment. Knowing that one day, I'm going to see my Jesus face to face.

I don't want to take things for granted, but I will because I'm human. The people here that might get on my nerves are my family. We've gone through surviving (well not yet completely) a foreign country for a year. That's a bond I'll never have with anyone else.

In the wake of this, I will not blame God for putting my friend through this hard situation. I know that God has a plan for each of our lives. The road isn't easy by any means, but it's to bring glory to His name. I'm still learning and understanding that part. But God is good. That I know. And one day we will all be standing side by side, worshiping our Lord and Maker in Heaven. So as you read this, please keep my friend and his family in your prayers.

Come, Lord Jesus, come soon. I can't wait to see your face.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this thought. I think it is so important to remember that we aren't invincible but if in God we trust we will be back from our short nap in the grave should He wait to return till we get to that point. I'll pray for your friend:)
