Saturday, January 8, 2011

An Argentinean Birthday

Today, was like any other day. At the strike of midnight, I was bombarded with Facebook messages, friends and family video chatting on Skype, friends coming to my room and wishing me happy birthday and getting invaded by bugs. Needless to say, it was a bit crazy. :P

I didn't go to sleep until about 4 am because I was talking to people back home, wanting to wish me a happy birthday. I finally fell asleep in the hot sticky night and slept until my alarm clock went off. I got up this morning and got ready for church. I knew it was my birthday, but I didn't really feel any different. I woke up with a headache and was debating on whether to even go to breakfast, but I dragged myself out of bed and went to breakfast. Afterwards, I thought about skipping Sabbath school, but I knew that I needed to go because I had studied my lesson. I went back to sleep for about 30 minutes to get rid of my headache, met Rose and found our way in Sabbath School. It was a small group, but we talked about anxiety. It was a good study.

Afterwards, I went back to sleep since I hadn't slept at all. Woke up and went to lunch. We had our usual ravioli and salad and I spent a lot of time talking with friends. It was nice. I hadn't had anything planned for my birthday, but I figured someone had planned something.

Some friends and I watched Lord of the Rings and I fell asleep for about 3 hours. It was a beautiful nap. Just beautiful.

We decided to go out to dinner 'cause I couldn't eat in the cafeteria for my birthday. We walked all around town and nothing was really open. We went to the bowling alley and put a bunch of tables together. There were about 25 of us in total. We got the football game on and sat down eating pizza. Honestly, I couldn't of asked for a better birthday. I got to spend it with a ton of my friends, watched football and just had a lot of fun. PLUS I didn't have to plan anything.

Even though the Seahawks won and the Colts lost, all in all it was a birthday I'll always remember.

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