Spontaneous vespers will always be awesome.
Elisa and I were talking at lunch today about what we were gonna do tonight. She threw out the idea of having our own vespers. So I went around telling people.
i went on with my day and decided I was going to say a little something. So I got some songs together, threw a powerpoint together and went to the gazebo.
I just played a couple songs waiting for everyone to show up then we started. I could just feel God's presence there. I spoke on Rob Bell's Nooma called Breathe. It talks about how his name, YHVH (Hebrew) or LORD (English), is essentially unpronounceable because the vowels are breaths. Y-H-V-H.
A baby's first cry is really that child screaming the name of God. And when you take your last dying breath, it's because you can no longer say the name of God. I wanted proof that God was alive and He gave it to me. Every breath I take is God giving me proof that He is alive.
We sang some more and then went on a singing spree of OLD school songs we grew up singing in Cradle Roll and Primary before hitting the Pathfinder songs.
I am going to miss having these people around to spend my Friday nights with, but I just thank Jesus for the blessing we all received.
That's so great! It sounds like your spirituality has really been blessed by your time down there, and I'm really happy for you :)