Friday, April 22, 2011


Spontaneous vespers will always be awesome.

Elisa and I were talking at lunch today about what we were gonna do tonight. She threw out the idea of having our own vespers. So I went around telling people.

i went on with my day and decided I was going to say a little something. So I got some songs together, threw a powerpoint together and went to the gazebo.

I just played a couple songs waiting for everyone to show up then we started. I could just feel God's presence there. I spoke on Rob Bell's Nooma called Breathe. It talks about how his name, YHVH (Hebrew) or LORD (English), is essentially unpronounceable because the vowels are breaths. Y-H-V-H.

A baby's first cry is really that child screaming the name of God. And when you take your last dying breath, it's because you can no longer say the name of God. I wanted proof that God was alive and He gave it to me. Every breath I take is God giving me proof that He is alive.

We sang some more and then went on a singing spree of OLD school songs we grew up singing in Cradle Roll and Primary before hitting the Pathfinder songs.

I am going to miss having these people around to spend my Friday nights with, but I just thank Jesus for the blessing we all received.

1 comment:

  1. That's so great! It sounds like your spirituality has really been blessed by your time down there, and I'm really happy for you :)
