Thursday, September 30, 2010

Address and Holidays

So for everyone that has been waiting here's my address:

25 de Mayo 99, 3103 Libertator San Martín, Entre Ríos, Argentina

Mail is slow here, but I know that I'll eventually get it. Send things only in business envelopes are it'll just get really complicated. I'll make you guys a deal: If you send me a letter or postcard, I'll send you at least ONE back. Okay now on to my favorite topic so far: HOLIDAYS.

People here come up with the most random ways to get out of school. I've been here for 2 1/2 weeks and I've already experienced 2 holidays where we don't have school. Another one is coming up soon.

Wednesday we didn't have school, so we got up super early and caught the 7am bus to Sante Fe. It's 3 hours away from LSM (Libertador San Martín) and like Paraná, but bigger. We walked around the city and found the historical sites until about 1pm. Then we stopped at this burger place that had really good pizza. There was a group of school girls that were there that kept staring at us and they all giggled when we attempted to speak Spanish. They took pictures with us to before they left for siesta time. That's another thing we're not used to yet. Don't get me wrong, we're all up for siestas and take them all the time, but when it's siesta time NO ONE IS OPEN except restaurants. So everything closes from about 1:30-4:30 EVEN THE POLICE. Luckily there's little to no crime here so it doesn't really matter. So we were planning on going shopping for this masquerade ball that's happening in two weeks, but once we got done with eating, all the shops were closed. =( We continued to walk around and find interesting things.

I've had fun with the group that I had out with exploring that towns that we've visited so far. Classes are going well. This week wasn't that bad. I really enjoy my Spanish classes, but am not such a fan of Folklore, Geography, History and Religion. I know I need these classes to get my major and what not, but some of the content is super boring. Me and my friends have started passing notes in Spanish to each other so we're still somewhat involved, just not the way the teachers would like. Don't worry Mom and Dad, I'm still paying attention and understanding what's going on.

Well I need to shower and go to bed. I haven't gotten all the sleep that I've needed to fight the end of this cold. The weather has been super cold since there's a cold front over Entre Ríos it seems. I'm having to wear my jacket all day because it's THAT cold. I get to show off my awesome boots, which is a plus, but makes wanting to workout outside a little...complicated.

Off to the shower! I'll update as soon as I can about whatever next event happens. Thanks again for the prayers! Miss everyone!


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